Leaving your old, familiar job may be a stressful time. Your routine may change with a new job, and you will be leaving a familiar environment and workmates who have become friends.
There may come a time when something is pushing you out of your job, or the pull of something new and exciting gets too much to resist. Sometimes, a move is necessary to open up more opportunities for progression, or to enable you to earn the money you need to make your whole life easier. A move for all the right reasons is as powerful as just wanting to escape a job you no longer enjoy. You may not even be looking for a new job, but then a better opportunity opens up and suddenly you’re considering it.
As recruiters, we see many people taking up a new job for many different reasons. People come to us at different stages in their careers, and while no leisure professional is looking for a new job for exactly the same reasons, we have spotted common themes. We have come up with the five top reasons why leisure professionals feel the urge to seek a new leisure job.
If you’re a leisure operator then knowing why leisure professionals would want to come and work for you is a boon when you’re looking to attract the very best people to serve your clients. If you’re finding yourself losing precious leisure personnel, then making adjustments to your employment policies may help to improve your retention rate and keep key staff in place longer.
These reasons for finding a new leisure job will be covered in the next few weeks, so stay tuned to learn common reasons why leisure staff are seeking to make their move.